Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Learning From Nutritionist

The nutritionists from the heart foundation visited room 6 yesterday and today. Yesterday they talked to us about which food is healthy and which we should be eating and not be eating. Chloe one of the nutritionists showed us a food pyramid with groups. At the bottom of it said to eat most of, inside the bottom box it read fruits and vegetables, bread and cereals, vitamins and minerals. In the middle box it read milk, milk products and meats. Above the middle group was the group for eat less. In the top group there were foods which considered anything like fat, sugar or salt. I was devastated when I heard that the milo cereal was in the eat less section.

Today she talked to us about which liquid had the most sugar. Somehow lemon lime and bitters is the one with the most sugar on. Surprisingly powerade was third to last, we were thinking it would be near the front.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Chess Tournament of Sacred Heart

The chess tournament was held today,19th of August at the school library.The winners were Romel,

Angelo and Mart and then they played against Callum, Kaylem and David. Tuesday and Friday it is the time

for playing chess event. To play the chess you need to concentrate. Mrs Limcangco, Mrs Williams and 

Mr Mc Manus were looking to the players because they were worried if the players make a wrong 


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Strum Strike and Blow

Strum Strike and Blow performed in the hall. There were only 3 people that were in the strike team. Their names were Tim or Mr.T, Thomas or Thomas the tank engine and Tukumi or Mufasa.

They used some drums and some different percussion instruments. They also use some wooden instruments. But when they played they played it with the thick part of the drum stick. It was a noisy, crazy and a bit funny. It was amazing but the coolest performance was the fire music. They were really careful. But some sounds were heard it was loud and quiet. It was really awesome but they said don't try it at home.It was nearly the end of the show. They ended with their favourite song. It was a great show.

I'm sorry that I couldn't take a picture of the fire part.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Ear-an amazing system by Angelina

The ear,one of the wonderous systems in the body,allows people to hear.

The outer ear is the gateway to the ear canal and middle ear. The hole in the middle of your ear is called the pinna,or auricle. The pinna is shaped like a funnel to collect sound waves and sends them down to the ear canal. As the sound travels down the ear canal,it reaches the eardrum. The eardrum is a circle of tightly stretched skin which makes the sound into vibrations and vibrates the sound into the ossicles. Ossicles are the 3 tiny bones behind the eardrum. The ossicles are called the hammer (malleus), the anvil (incus), and the stirrup (stapes).

The ossicles send the sound vibrations to the cochlea,which is a snail shaped spiral. The cochlea has micro hairs that send the vibrations to other little hairs and out as electrical signals to the auditory nerve, which then sends the signals to the brain so it can be recognised. There are also some canals on the top of the cochlea,which are called semicircular canals,because of their shape. These canals sense when you're about to fall,and send signals to the brain so the brain can tell your other parts to stop. Basically it helps you balance.

I think the ear is the most amazing system in the body. After all,we wouldn't be able to hear without our ears!